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Asked by: Maitane Lonbarte
business and finance civil engineering industryHow do you convert uniformly distributed load to point load?
Likewise, what is a uniformly distributed load?
A uniformly distributed load (UDL) is a load that is distributed or spread across the whole region of an element such as a beam or slab. In other words, the magnitude of the load remains uniform throughout the whole element. Other types of load include; uniformly varying loads, point loads, coupled loads, and so on.
Keeping this in consideration, how do you calculate point load?
A point load is an equivalent load applied to a single point, which you can determine by calculating the total load over the object's surface or length and attributing the entire load to its center. Determine the total length or area to which a load is applied.
Distributed Forces. A distributed force is any force where the point of application of the force is an area or a volume. Distributed forces can be broken down into surface forces and body forces. Surface forces are distributed forces where the point of application is an area (a surface on the body).