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Asked by: Koen Ferroo
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you cook a Honeysuckle turkey?
- Preheat oven to 325˚F. Cooking time will vary bysize of bird, so check roasting times.
- If turkey becomes golden brown before it is fullycooked, cover with a loose tent of aluminum foil to preventover browning.
- Remove from oven and allow the cooked turkey to standfor 20-30 minutes.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you cook a whole honeysuckle turkey?
Place turkey breast-side up on rack in shallowroasting pan. Brush breast with vegetable oil or melted butter.Roast at 350° F. When breast is golden brown, cover with aloose tent of aluminum foil to prevent over-browning. Theturkey is done when a meat thermometer reads at least165° F in the breast.
Also to know, what is Honeysuckle turkey?
Menu. Make any occasion a special event with a deliciousHoneysuckle White® frozen whole turkey—thefirst raised without growth-promoting antibiotics at a pricecomparable to conventionally raised turkeys. They'repre-basted for exceptional flavor.
Roast in a 325° or 350°(depending on size of bird; see below) oven until thermometerregisters 160°. If turkey is unstuffed, tip slightly todrain juices from body cavity into pan.