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Asked by: Arbia Garrell
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do you cook pre cooked turkey legs?
- Preheat the oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Add the water or broth to the large baking pan. Placethe turkey drumsticks in the pan, not touching eachother.
- Place the drumsticks in the oven and bake themfor 2 hours.
- Remove the drumsticks from the oven and serve themhot.
In this way, how do you cook a fully cooked turkey?
Drop oven temperature to 275°F. You'll want toreheat your turkey for around 5 minutes per pound. So a 10lbturkey would need to reheat for around 50 minutes. Use ameat thermometer before removing. USDA recommends cookingand reheating all poultry to an internal temperature of165°F.
Subsequently, question is, how do you reheat turkey legs?
Reheat turkey leg meat that has been removed fromthe bone by slicing and placing in an oven-proof dish with a littlebroth, covering it with foil and heating in a 300 to 325degree oven just until it's hot enough to use. Heat the legin the microwave on a low setting for a minute or two, depending onthe quantity.
Simple steps to cooking the turkey aheadof time and reheating it to moist perfection. After roastedturkey comes out of the oven, cover loosely with foil andlet rest 30-45 minutes to allow juices to settle. TO REHEAT:Remove pan of sliced turkey from refrigerator and rest atroom temperature for 30 minutes.