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Asked by: Shiloh Ossenbrink
business and finance environmental services industryHow do you count grains of rice?
Calculate the mass of a grain of rice
- Weigh out exactly 10 g of rice.
- Count the number of grains of rice youweighedout. Count again to make sure.
- Divide 10 g by the number of rice grains. This givesanestimate of the mass of one grain of rice in g.
- Take this number and multiply it by 1000.
Likewise, people ask, what is the mass of a grain of rice?
A single long grain of rice weighs an averageof0.029 grams.
Similarly, how many grains of rice is a cup?
One cup of uncooked rice isabout175–185 grams. One gram of rice has around48grains. So a cup of 180 grams has 8640 grainsofrice.
Avogadro tells us that we have 6.023 x 10^23 SiO2unitsper gram, so there would be 6.023 x 10^23 / 60 ≈ 1 x10^22SiO2 units in a gram of pure SiO2, and with SiO2 composed of3atoms, that puts us at 3 x 10^22 atoms per gramofSiO2. Now, a grain of sand does not weigh 1 gram. Itweighsless.