Asked by: Shiloh Ossenbrink
business and finance environmental services industry

How do you count grains of rice?

Calculate the mass of a grain of rice
  1. Weigh out exactly 10 g of rice.
  2. Count the number of grains of rice youweighedout. Count again to make sure.
  3. Divide 10 g by the number of rice grains. This givesanestimate of the mass of one grain of rice in g.
  4. Take this number and multiply it by 1000.

Likewise, people ask, what is the mass of a grain of rice?

A single long grain of rice weighs an averageof0.029 grams.

Likewise, how many grains of rice is 1kg? 50,000 grains

Similarly, how many grains of rice is a cup?

One cup of uncooked rice isabout175–185 grams. One gram of rice has around48grains. So a cup of 180 grams has 8640 grainsofrice.

How many atoms are in a grain of sand?

Avogadro tells us that we have 6.023 x 10^23 SiO2unitsper gram, so there would be 6.023 x 10^23 / 60 ≈ 1 x10^22SiO2 units in a gram of pure SiO2, and with SiO2 composed of3atoms, that puts us at 3 x 10^22 atoms per gramofSiO2. Now, a grain of sand does not weigh 1 gram. Itweighsless.

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Rice is light: 1000 grains is about26grams, so 10 grains is about 0.26 grams. Riceischeap: 1 bagged metric tonne is $350, FOB (in the ship) atsource.So 1.2 billion rice grains is about 3,120 tonnes<update– wrong by 2 magnitudes>, or $1.09mFOB.

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1. Scoop out a level teaspoon of rice from abagof uncooked grains and show to the class. Tell themthatthere are about 200 grains of rice in1teaspoon.

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How many grams is one cup of rice?Uncookedrice of 1 cup generally weighs around175-185grams. Cooked rice of 1 cup generallyweighsaround 195-200 grams.

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How many grains of rice are in a gram?

A single long grain of rice weighs an averageof0.029 grams.