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Asked by: Dulzura Aguilella
hobbies and interests scrapbookingHow do you cover a book with adhesive paper?
- Cut a large sheet of contact paper from the roll.
- Open your book and place it on thecontactpaper.
- Draw a border around the open book.
- Cut around the measured border.
- Fold the contact paper in half.
- Cut the contact paper so it will fold smoothly overthecover of your book.
In this way, what is clear contact paper used for?
Clear Contact Paper - Creative Uses andTips.Clear contact paper is a self-adhesive product thatcomes inrolls of material usually eighteen inches in width and ninefeetlong to a roll. The paper is durable and alsowaterresistant making it a great way to protect items from stainsandwater damage.
Also to know, how do you laminate a book?
Cut the laminate. Remove the paper backingfromthe laminate and apply laminate to thepaperbackcarefully. Press the laminate to cover theentirebook. Use the squeegee to firmly press out all airbubblesand wrinkles from the front and back covers and alongthespine.
A paper bag book is a fun homemade bookforkids to make. Put one together and then fill the pages andpocketswith information about the four seasons.