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Asked by: Suping Eitzen
books and literature art and photography booksHow do you cover a hardback book?
- Step 1: Stack Your Paper Neatly in (at Least 4) Piles of8Sheets.
- Step 2: Fold Each Stack in Half.
- Step 3: Unfold the Paper and Turn Over.
- Step 4: Staple the Pages Together.
- Step 5: Glue the Binding Onto the Folios.
- Step 6: Trim the Bound Folios.
- Step 7: Mark and Cut Out the Cover Boards.
- Step 8: Make the Book Spine.
Beside this, how do you cover a book with Demco?
Insert the book jacket face down, slidingitbetween the paper backing and the transparent film. Wrapthecovered jacket around the book. Apply Demco®FilmFiber Tape to the outside cover of the book. Wrapthetape around the edge and secure to the bookjacketcover inside.
Likewise, what can I use to cover a book?
For books without covers or to protectyourtextbooks, make a paper cover for yourbook.You can cover your books with foreign oroldnewspapers, old or new maps, sheet music, old wall paper, abrownpaper bag, etc.. Unless you are covering a smallerbook, youwill need a large piece of paper to makeyourcover.
Dust-jacket Do's and Don'ts Dust-jacket protectors are the bestoptionto protect your dust-jackets from theenvironment anddamage. Properly applied, they add to “thelooks” of thebook but most importantly, are a significantshield from permanentdamage and, as such will protect the value ofyourcollection.