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Beside this, what router bit to cut grooves?
Straight Router Bits Straight bits used to make cuts straight down into a material to form a groove or dado or to hollow out an area for a mortise or inlay. Straight bits come in a variety of cut diameters, most commonly in the range from 3/16" to 1-1/2".
In this regard, what tool cuts grooves in wood?
If you want to cut a groove in a piece of wood, a plunge router is the easiest tool to use for straight or curved grooves. Using a rotary tool also works for cutting short channels, but it's more difficult to make long, straight lines with them.
Using a drilling machine In that case a carpenter can easily cut the wood without a saw by a drilling machine. A drilling machine is unlike a knife and it works by creating perforations rather than giving you a perfect cut. So, first of all draw an imaginary line on the wood you have to cut through.