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Asked by: Raksasa Frohnhoffs
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you cut a sink hole in a worktop?
- Drill two starter holes in opposite corners justinsidethe cutting line. Use a 3/4-inch spade bit and drillthroughthe laminate and substrate.
- Place the blade of the jigsaw in the starter holeandline up the blade exactly on the cutting line.
- Cut slowly along the line.
Similarly, you may ask, how can I cut my countertop without chipping?
The Best Way to Cut a Countertop WithoutChippingIt
- Lay masking tape around the general area where the hole needstobe cut in the countertop.
- Mark the location where you plan to cut the countertop withapencil over the masking tape.
- Measure a diagonal line inward from each corner of whereyouintend to cut the countertop.
- Drill two starter holes in opposite corners just insidethecutting line. Use a 3/4-inch spade bit and drill throughthelaminate and substrate.
- Place the blade of the jigsaw in the starter hole and lineupthe blade exactly on the cutting line.
- Cut slowly along the line.
Simply so, how do you cut kitchen worktops?
Cut kitchen worktop. When cuttingakitchen worktop it is best if you cut it upsidedown,this is because the teeth on the blade cut on the wayup, sothere is much less chance of chipping the worktop.Somepeople draw a line on the worktop and then score it afewtimes using a sharp knife, then apply somemaskingtape
Therefore, you could use a table saw,acircular saw, a reciprocating saw or a jigsaw(idealfor curved cuts). As far as the blade is concerned,youshould choose one with a fine high teeth count and long enoughtocut trough the counter top (if it is alsocarbidetipped it would be great).