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Asked by: Sergii Granovsky
hobbies and interests beadworkHow do you cut glass with alcohol and string?
- Put on protective eye goggles and gloves. Prepare a container of cold water large enough to completely submerge the glass you are cutting.
- Soak a piece of string in alcohol.
- Light the ends of the string with the lighter.
- Remove the glass from the water after it has been submerged for approximately 30 seconds.
Hereof, how do you cut glass with string?
Gather your string and wrap a portion of it around the circumference of the bottle. Tie the string together and cut off the excess. Take the string off the bottle and submerge it into a volume of nail polish remover. Put the string back around the the bottle and prepare to ignite!
- Score the bottle. To create the line that the bottle will break off at, use a glass cutter or a glass drill bit to score a line.
- Heat the bottle. Heat the line that you made with the glass cutter.
- Dip the bottle in cold water.
- Repeat the process.
- Sand the edges.
- Enjoy your cleanly broken bottle.
Similarly, what kind of string do you use to cut glass?
Glass bottle (D'oh!) Cotton String. Acetone (or Nail Polish Remover) Scissors.
Cutting Glass With Scissors
- Plug the sink with the stopper.
- Place a disposable aluminum pan in the bottom of the sink. Fill the pan and the sink with cool -- not cold -- water.
- Put on the kitchen gloves and protective eye wear.
- Submerge the glass under the water and hold over the pan.
- Cut the glass evenly and slowly.