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Asked by: Cristoba Schiller
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you cut Popsicle sticks without breaking them?
Hereof, can you cut Popsicle sticks with scissors?
Standard scissors with a flat blade won'teasilycut through a popsicle stick. However, youcanuse any pair of serrated scissors that are designedfor thekitchen. Large pairs of craft scissors will work aswell.This method will leave a rough edge behind whereveryoucut.
Likewise, how do you cut a popsicle stick lengthwise?
Use a razor knife and a straight edge.
- Mount the straight edge to your popsicle stick so thatitcreates a hard edge right down the center.
- Now set the razor knife on the stick and pull it lengthwisedownthe stick, maintaining a straight line, by keeping it tight totheruler.
Lay Popsicle sticks to create one side oftheroof. Place a dot of glue on the flat side of eachendof a Popsicle stick. Attach the stick tobothtriangles so that it runs perpendicular. Repeat this processuntilyou have covered the length of the triangles' sideswithsticks. Place the stickstighttogether.