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Asked by: Nory Piat
family and relationships datingHow do you deal with a break up with someone you love?
How To Deal With Breaking Up With Someone YouStillLove
- Accept that love isn't enough.
- Realize it's not your fault.
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- Think about what's best for you.
- Build some support first.
- Set aside some post-breakup time.
- Grab some tissues and have the talk.
- Stay away as much as possible.
Also asked, how do you break up with someone you still love?
Break-up Do's and Don'ts
- Think over what you want and why you want it. Take timetoconsider your feelings and the reasons for your decision.
- Think about what you'll say and how the other personmightreact.
- Have good intentions.
- Be honest — but not brutal.
- Say it in person.
- If it helps, confide in someone you trust.
- Keep talking to the people who love you. Make sure youmaintaina great support network of friends and family.
- Try a reality check.
- Take time for yourself.
- Don't underestimate your gut feelings.
- Don't drag it out once you've made a decision.
Likewise, what do you do when you break up with someone?
Here are a few ways to assist you on your road to peaceandhappiness again.
- Cut all the contact.
- Let Your Emotions Out.
- Accept the fact that it's over, at least for now.
- Find Yourself.
- Explore and Have Fun.
- Pay Attention to Your Thoughts.
- Understand the beauty of being single and don't rushintoanother relationship.
When couples stop paying attention totherelationship, they experience: Disconnection: they have grownapartand no longer feel connected. Lack of touch: they don't toucheachother anymore or as often. Lack of sex: they don't have sex ornotas often.