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Asked by: Suling Hanck
events and attractions party supplies and decorationsHow do you deflate a foil balloon?
How to Deflate Foil Balloon
- Slot straw through the opening of foil balloon.
- Gently press on the balloon to expel air through thestraw.
- Foil balloon & continue pressing the balloonlightly.
- Repeat till balloon is totally deflated.
Just so, how do you deflate foil air balloons?
Slowly squeeze the Mylar balloon until you feelair being released through the straw. If air is notbeing released, you have not inserted the straw far enough. Slowlyfold the balloon until all the air is removed.Oncethe balloon is completely deflated simply fold andstore it in a convenient location for reuse.
- Hold the balloon in one hand. Tuck the balloon underneath thearm in which you are holding the balloon.
- Pinch above the knot. Use your thumb and forefinger to pinchthe balloon just above the knot on the inflated part of theballoon.
- Push the balloon back.
- Cut the knot off the balloon.
- Release the helium.
Also question is, how do you deflate a balloon?
You can reuse Mylar balloons repeatedly until theself-sealing valve fails.
- Step 1: Insert the Straw. To deflate a Mylar balloon, insertthe drinking straw into the balloon tail valve.
- Step 2: Depress the Balloon. Press down on the body of theballoon gently to remove the helium.
- Step 3: Fold the Balloon.
approximately 1 month