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Asked by: Mimona Durha
technology and computing web conferencingHow do you delete a contact in hangouts?
Similarly, it is asked, how do I delete someone on Hangouts?
I want to delete someone permanently -Hangouts Help. On Desktop, click the Cog wheel, and you'llsee this screen where you can block them. In the Android app, inthe conversation, click on the three dots, then People, then threedots again, and you'll see this popup where you can blockthem.
Also know, how do I delete Hangouts messages on both sides?
In order to delete a message in hangouts do thefollowing:
- Open Hangouts at Google Hangouts or in Gmail.
- Select the person from the Hangouts list to open theconversation.
- At the top right of the conversation window, click Settings.
- Select Delete Hangout.
- Click Delete.
Select the person from the Hangouts list to openthe conversation. At the top of the conversation, click Settings .If you want to remove someone from your list, but don't wantto block them, open the "Contacts" tab Point to the person'sname More Hide [contact name].