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Asked by: Jinhua Martinez Abarca
science chemistryHow do you determine if a substance is acidic or basic?
Accordingly, how do you determine if a solution is acidic or basic?
A solution with a pH of 7 is classifiedasneutral. If the pH is lower than 7, the solutionisacidic. When pH is higher than 7, the solutionisbasic. These numbers describe the concentration ofhydrogenions in the solution and increase on a negativelogarithmicscale.
Thereof, how do you determine if an acid is strong or weak?
If an acid is not listed here, it is aweakacid. It may be 1% ionized or 99% ionized, but it isstillclassified as a weak acid. Any acid thatdissociates100% into ions is called a strong acid. Ifit doesnot dissociate 100%, it is a weak acid.
No, LiOH is a strong base, like theotheralkali bases. It is a bit weaker than bases likeNaOHthough, because it's enthalpy of formation is different.Itsconjugate acid, Li+, can act as a weakLewisacid.