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Asked by: Onesiforo Gegg
technology and computing computer networkingHow do you dial an extension on a Polycom phone?
Dial an Extension
Once your Admin has assigned extensions to yourteam members, dial the extension # directly into yourPolycom and press Call/Dial (or wait 3 secondsfor automatic dialing). Extension dialing is onlyavailable between team members in the sameCompany.
Also, how do you dial an extension on an office phone?
To dial an extension number using a smartphone, start by dialing the number that youwant to call. Then, press and hold the * button to insert apause, and wait 2 seconds before dialing theextension. After entering your pause, type the extensionnumber that you want your phone to automaticallydial.
Simply so, how do you dial international on a Polycom phone?
Place an International Call
- On the dial pad, quickly press the star key * twice. A plussign + is displayed.
- Enter the phone number with the country code and press Dial ortap .
To place an internal call, dial the5-digit extension number. If your phone number is646-962-9999, your extension will be 1-9999.