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Asked by: Eline Burn
personal finance government support and welfareHow do you distribute expressions?
Distributing items is an act of spreading themoutequally. Algebraic distribution means to multiply eachof theterms within the parentheses by another term that is outsidetheparentheses. To distribute a term over several otherterms,you multiply each of the other terms by the firstterm.
People also ask, how do you do the distributive property step by step?
Method 1 Using the BasicDistributiveProperty
- Multiply the term outside of the parentheses by each term intheparentheses. To do this, you are essentially distributing theouterterm into the inner terms.
- Combine like terms. Before you can solve the equation, youwillhave to combine like terms.
- Solve the equation.
Beside above, how do I simplify an expression?
Here are the basic steps to follow to simplify analgebraicexpression:
- remove parentheses by multiplying factors.
- use exponent rules to remove parentheses in termswithexponents.
- combine like terms by adding coefficients.
- combine the constants.
Distributive law, in mathematics, thelawrelating the operations of multiplication and addition,statedsymbolically, a(b + c) = ab + ac; that is, the monomialfactor a isdistributed, or separately applied, to each term of thebinomialfactor b + c, resulting in the product ab +ac.