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Asked by: Isidora Artunduaga
education standardized testingHow do you do good on multiple choice tests?
- Read the entire question.
- Answer it in your mind first.
- Eliminate wrong answers.
- Use the process of elimination.
- Select the best answer.
- Read every answer option.
- Answer the questions you know first.
- Make an educated guess.
Similarly, what do multiple choice questions test?
Multiple choice test questions, also known asitems, can be an effective and efficient way to assess learningoutcomes. Multiple choice test items have several potentialadvantages: Multiple choice test items are less susceptibleto guessing than true/false questions, making them a morereliable means of assessment.
Subsequently, one may also ask, why multiple choice tests are good?
Correct answers with low confidence ratings get a lowerscore. Wrong answer options expose students to misinformation,which can influence subsequent thinking about the content. Askedfor their test preference, most students pickmultiple-choice tests. They like them because theythink they're easier.
Follow these study tips to make your best grade!
- Get informed. Don't walk into your test unprepared for what youwill face.
- Think like your teacher.
- 3. Make your own study aids.
- Practice for the inevitable.
- Study every day.
- Cut out the distractions.
- Divide big concepts from smaller details.
- Don't neglect the “easy” stuff.