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Asked by: Rito Weixelbaumer
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do you do Spanish accents on Google Docs?
Type Option+E, then the vowel. For instance,totypeá hold down Option+E, then type lowercase A.TotypeÁ, hold down Option+E, then type capital A.TypeOption+N,then either lowercase N for ñ or capital Nfor& Ntilde.
Furthermore, how do you use Spanish accents in Google Docs?
- To type an accented character, type an apostrophe('),followedby the letter. For example, to get á, type 'andthena.
- To type ñ, tap the semicolon (;) key.
- To type ¡, tap the equal sign (=) key.
- To type ¿, hold down shift and tap the equalsign(=)key.
- Try shortcut keys.
- Press Control + `, then the letter to add a grave accent.
- Press Control + ', then the letter to add an acute accent.
- Press Control, then Shift, then 6, then the letter toaddacircumflex accent.
- Press Shift + Control + ~, then the letter to addatildeaccent.
Beside this, how do you type accents on a Chromebook?
Now that you see INTL over on the bottom right ofyourscreenyou can type your accents.
- Use the Alt key on the right side of the keyboard.
- Hold down the Alt key on the right and then click a, e, i,o,u,or n.
- Do the same for the question and exclamation marks.
Select the accent you need or pressthecorrespondingnumber.
- To type á, é, í, ó,úandü on a mac, just press and hold the vowel youwanttoaccent.
- To type Spanish characters like ñ, ¡and¿,you'll need to use a keyboard combination with thealtkey(sometimes known as option).