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Asked by: Jeanice Zannini
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do you do the testing cheat on Sims 3?
Before you load your Sims 3 saved game again,open the cheat console (Control + Shift + C) and typetestingcheatsenabled true. Once you load your Simsgame, the testing cheats will still be on. This will allowyou to go to the lifetime rewards tab, then control click in thearea around the treasure chest icon.
In respect to this, how do you use cheats in The Sims 3?
Press Control-Shift-c to open the command box, and dotestingcheatsenabled true, then afterwards do familyfunds[sims last name] [money wanted] most money possible is9999999. This saves you from constantly entering the "motherlode"cheat several times.
Evil, PURE AND SIMPLE of the 8th Dimension!
- Boards.
- The Sims 3.
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Additionally, how do you get lots of money on Sims 3?
Method 1 To get £50000
- Press these three keys together: Ctrl, Shift, and C.
- Type in "motherlode" and hit Enter.
- Repeat as wanted.
To access the Sims 3 Command Console, pressControl + Shift + C. You should see a box appear in the top left ofthe screen - that is where you type the Cheats, then pressEnter.