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Asked by: Robertas Umbrico
hobbies and interests needleworkHow do you do yarn over before knitting?
- Bring the yarn around the right-hand needle from backtofront.
- Wrap the yarn counter-clockwise around the needle.
- Take the yarn to the back before knitting thenextstitch.
Also asked, what does YRN mean in knitting instructions?
yarn round needle
Likewise, people ask, what does Yon and YRN mean in knitting?
YFWD (yarn forward), YON (yarn overneedle),YRN (yarn round needle) and YFRN (yarn forward roundneedle)are all variants of the plain old YO (yarn over). The fourtermsYFWD, YON, YRN and YFRN are basically justlettingyou know which different stitches (knit or purl) are infront ofand behind the yarn over.
A yarn over (abbreviated yo) makes an extrastitchon your needle and creates a deliberate little hole in yourfabric.Yarn overs are an indispensable part of laceknitting.They have a multitude of other applications, aswell, such asdecorative increases, buttonholes, and noveltystitchpatterns.