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Asked by: Lahssan Maire
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do you download a house on Sims?
- Download a house you want to use in your game to afolderyou will remember or to your desktop.
- If the house file is in a .
- Extract the house to maxishesimsuserdatahouses.
- If you have an expansion pack, choose the neighborhood'suserdata folder in which you want to play the game.
People also ask, how do you download a house on Sims 4?
While in Live Mode, you can go to the Gallery to findaSim and merge them with your household instantly. To get a homeorroom from the Gallery, open Build Mode, go into the Galleryandselect a lot to download. Click the link in the bottomrightto pull the lot into build mode.
Besides, can you get premade houses on Sims 4?
There are many premade houses and buildingsfromthe The Sims 2, The Sims 3, The Sims 4,andtheir expansions which can be placed in theneighborhood.They are named only by their style (ex. Craftsman,Victorian,etc.). The names of premade residential lots alsoincludethe number of bedrooms and bathrooms theyhave.
While you can invite Sims to move in, or evengetmarried, you can also start with more than oneSimwhen you make a new game. In the bottom leftcorner you canclick 'Add to Family' on the little plus iconnext to thepicture of your Sim.