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Asked by: Yisel Darriba
books and literature art and photography booksHow do you drop items in binding of Isaac Rebirth?
To drop items in the binding of Isaac afterbirth simply hold down the left control key on your keyboard. Doing this will allow you to drop cards pills and trinkets in afterbirth.
In respect to this, can you drop a trinket in rebirth?
Rebirth added the ability to drop trinkets and pills. It used to be that you could hold the Map button for a while but that doesn't work.
Also question is, how do you switch cards in binding of Isaac Rebirth?
- Spawns a random card.
- Allows Isaac to carry two cards or runes at once. Cycle through cards by pressing the Control key (PC), R2 (PlayStation), RT (Xbox), or ZR (Switch, 3DS).
- Replaces all pills with cards except the pill dropped by Caffeine Pill. Increases speed and reduces character size.
Instantly kills Mom, Mom's Heart, and It Lives when activated, but will kill Isaac when activated while fighting Satan. This item can only teleport Isaac to rooms that can be shown on the map.