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Asked by: Dalton Ouchen
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do you dry out a USB stick?
Herein, what happens if a USB drive gets wet?
Only if they are powered up; simply puttingaflash drive into water does not hurt it. But ifoneof your drives does get wet, put it in a jarofuncooked rice or silica gel for a day. Later, make sure it isdry,then plug it in. There's a good chance it will still be workingandwill not have lost any data.
In this regard, can a USB drive survive the wash?
USB Sticks can't survive a trip throughthewashing machine They totally can (usually). If yours endsupthrough the wash, let it dry out for at least a fewdays(don't even dare plugging it in until it's 100% dry, insideandout).
USB flash drives are a cheap and portable way to backupfiles and move them around between machines.
10 Things You Never Knew You Could Do With A USBFlashDrive
- Install a Linux distribution.
- Boot a Persistent OS.
- Run Portable Apps.
- Use as RAM.
- Partition hard drives.
- Gaming.
- Keep Files Private.
- Unlock Your Computer.