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Asked by: Chourouk Hazare
home and garden landscapingHow do you edge a flower bed with a shovel?
Consequently, how do you edge a flower bed with a spade?
- Mark your edge with a chalk line or spray paint designed for turf.
- Push the edge of your square-edged spade approximately 3 to 4 inches-deep onto the far corner of the line to be edged.
- Push the spade forward and then pull it backward to create a V-shaped trench.
- Dig out the soil from the trench as much as possible.
Regarding this, how do I separate grass from flower beds?
Push a half-moon edger or spade straight down into the soil along the painted line, cutting through the grass and to a depth of 6 inches into the soil. Pull back on the handle to pry the grass loose. Set the grass and soil aside; if you knock the soil loose, you can add dried grass clumps to your compost pile.
Many forms of wood, plastic, metal and concrete edging are available, but sometimes the best method is to maintain the edge by hand. With nothing more than a shovel, you can maintain the perfect edge between grass and beds and forgo the expense and trouble of installing edging.