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Asked by: Aleu De Aguiar
business and finance marketing and advertisingHow do you effectively advertise?
What makes an effective ad?
- Keep your ads relevant.
- Create multiple ads in an ad group.
- Describe what sets your product apart.
- Use your customers' language.
- Address your customers directly.
- Pre-qualify your visitors.
- Be specific.
- Include a call to action.
Consequently, what is the most effective way to advertise?
Let's review the 7 influential ad mediums you can trusttodrive revenue and secure ROI from your ad budget.
- Mobile Advertising.
- TV Advertisements.
- Video Advertising.
- Email.
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- Retargeting Ads.
- Podcasts.
- Web design. Your website is one of the most essential partsofyour business.
- Search engine optimization (SEO) Your website can be agreatmarketing tool — but only if your potential customerscanfind it.
- Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
- Social media marketing.
- Content marketing.
- Email marketing.
Then, how do you properly advertise?
- Know your audience. The single most important thing whenitcomes to effective advertising is to know your audience.
- Decide on a target location.
- Draw up a budget.
- Establish a company image.
- Think about your message.
- Don't try to please everybody.
- Test your ad before release.
Types of advertising
- Newspaper. Newspaper advertising can promote your business toawide range of customers.
- Magazine. Advertising in a specialist magazine can reachyourtarget market quickly and easily.
- Radio.
- Television.
- Directories.
- Outdoor and transit.
- Direct mail, catalogues and leaflets.
- Online.