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Asked by: Yoana Cerreduela
technology and computing computer networkingHow do you end an Ethernet cable?
- Step 1: Materials. • Wire Strippers – Irecommend the IDEAL Telecomm/Datacomm Wire Strippers.
- Step 2: Measure the Cable.
- Step 3: Strip the Cable.
- Step 4: Prepare Wires.
- Step 5: Insert Wires and Crimp.
- Step 6: Terminate the Other End of theCable.
- 1 Person Made This Project!
- 11 Discussions.
In this regard, what does it mean to terminate a cable?
Cable Termination is the connection of the wireor fiber to a device, such as equipment, panels or a wall outlet,which allows for connecting the cable to other cablesor devices. The three main areas we will discuss aretermination used in Telecom, Datacom and Fiber Opticindustries.
Also to know is, how do I use an Ethernet cable?
Plug one end of an Ethernet cable into yourmodem. Plug the other end of that Ethernet cable into theInternet, Uplink, WAN, or WLAN port on your router. Plug in yourrouter.
The Category 6 Augmented cable standard,or Cat 6a, was created to further improve the performance ofCat 6 Ethernet cables. Using Cat 6a enables 10Gigabit Ethernet data rates over a single cable run up to328 feet; Cat 6 supports 10 Gigabit Ethernet only up to 164feet of cable length.