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Asked by: Zinayida Anopriev
television music tvHow do you evolve Onix in crystal without trading?
Likewise, how do you evolve Onix in Pokemon Crystal?
Top Voted Answer. To evolve Onix into Steelix,youneed to trade it while it's holding a Metal Coat. After thetrade,it'll evolve, and you'll just need to tradeitback.
Also to know is, can you get steelix in Pokemon Crystal?
How To Get Steelix hints and tips forPokemonCrystal. Next Catch Onix In Rock Tunnel InKanto OrTrade Bellsprout for Onix in Voilet City. Finnaly TradeToOne of your other GB Pokemon Games And OnixEvolvesInto Steelix. And Trade Back(If youwantto).
One example of the latter is Steelix, a new Gen2evolution for Onix. In order to completetheevolution, you'll need a metal coat — one of themanynew evolution items the update introduced — butonceyou have it, Steelix looks to be one of the most powerfulgymdefenders you can get your hands on.