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Asked by: Sinisa Vani
personal finance personal taxesHow do you exclude GST from a total amount?
Besides, how do you remove GST from a total?
To calculate the GST that is included in acompany's receipts from items subject to tax, divide the receiptsby 1 + the tax rate. For example, if the tax rate is 6%, divide thetotal amount of receipts by 1.06. If the tax rate is 7.25%,divide the total receipts by 1.0725.
- Add the total taxes paid during the year.
- Divide the company's total taxes by the company's totalearnings to find the tax rate as a decimal.
- Multiply the tax rate as a decimal by 100 to find the effectivetax rate as a percentage.
Also, how do I calculate HST from a total?
To calculate the sales tax that is included in acompany's receipts, divide the total amount received (forthe items that are subject to sales tax) by "1 + the sales taxrate". In other words, if the sales tax rate is 6%, divide thesales taxable receipts by 1.06.
For example, the GST is 5 percent so 1 plus 0.05equals 1.05. Divide the bill for the goods or services by one plusthe GST. In the example, if your bill including GSTwas $229, then $229 divided by 1.05 equals $218.10.