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Asked by: Abdelmounim Rebollido
events and attractions funeralHow do you fill a flask without a funnel?
Put the chopstick into the flask pointed sidedown. Hold the top of the (alcohol) bottle at the flat end of thechopstick and begin by gently soaking the top of the chopstick,then slowly follow this action through, tipping the bottle gentlyand pouring slowly.
Also know, how do you fill a flask without spilling it?
HOW TO ~ Fill your flask without spilling a drop!
- What You'll Need. Flask (Empty)
- Fill the empty flask with water.
- Empty the water from your flask into the measuring cup.
- Take an accurate measurment of your flask's liquid volume.
- Measure out your choice of Alcha-hoozie – PeppermintSchnapps for me!
- With a steady hand, fill your flask with care.
Subsequently, question is, how do you pour into a flask?
Method 1 Filling with a Funnel
- Choose a funnel that fits in your flask. Many flasks come withsmall metal funnels that fit in the flasks.
- Place the funnel in the opening of the flask.
- Open your preferred bottle of liquor.
- Fill the flask from your bottle.
Carrying a hip flask filled withalcohol in a public place is illegal in manylocations in the United States due to open container laws.These laws prohibit possession of an unsealed container ofalcohol in public or within the passenger compartment of avehicle.