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Asked by: Vidalina Hazanov
careers resume writing and adviceHow do you find a good restaurant employee?
Where to Find the Best Restaurant Employees?
- Hire Even When You Don't Need To. The bestcompaniesalways make room for great people even if theydon't have animmediate opening. (
- Take a Risk.
- Hire Family and Friends.
- Hit the Community.
- Use the Web.
- Ask Your Employees, Friends and Family.
- Inquire of Your Loyal Customers.
- Poach Employees.
Thereof, how do I hire a good restaurant employee?
Most restaurants need a variety of staffmembersin order to be successful, including servers, cooks, hosts,andmanagers.
How do you recruit restaurant staff?
- Write a good job description.
- Post your job on a restaurant job posting site.
- Interview experienced candidates.
- Hire the best applicant(s).
- Manager. The most important employee in many restaurants isthemanager.
- Chefs. At some restaurants, the star attraction isthechef.
- Cooks. When you start out, you'll probably need three cooks--two full-time and one part-time.
- Dishwashers.
- Serving Staff.
- Hosting Staff.
- Buspersons.
- Bartenders.
how do I find good wait staff?
How to Hire Good Wait Staff
- Emphasize Personality in the Job Description.
- Look for Reliability Over Specific Experience.
- Pay Attention to First Impressions.
- Ask Personal Questions.
- Identify Leadership Qualities.
- Offer Hypothetical Situations.
- Put Yourself in the Customer's Shoes.
- Look for Eye Contact.
LinkedIn is a great way to network online. Useitto recruit people that fit your job profiles. Career Sites–Take care of your career site and it will produce results.Thefirst place that people go to find jobs with your companyisyour career site.