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Asked by: Fauzia Thies
careers career adviceHow do you find out who unfollowed you on Twitter without tweeting it?
In this way, can you find out who unfollowed you on Instagram?
There is no way to see who has unfollowed youonInstagram just by using their app, you couldcrossreference your follower list with your current followers listbutthat would take a lot of time and effort that might notpayoff. Instead you can use third party apps to monitoryourfollowing and followers lists.
- Click on Following on your homepage or profile page.
- Hover over the Following button next to any account name onyourfollowing list, it will change to Unfollow.
- Click the button to unfollow the account.
Consequently, can someone see my tweets if they don't follow me?
If your account is public (as is bydefault),anyone can see your tweets, irrespective ofwhetherthey are following you. No, they cannotsee your tweets in the news feed.Theycan only see your tweet if they go to yourpageand read down through your tweets.
This Site Can Show You Who Unfollowed YouonFacebook Unless you regularly monitor the friend countonyour profile, you have no way of knowing whensomeonehits that “Unfriend” button. EnterWho DeletedMe, a Google Chrome and Firefox extension thatchecks your profileso you don't have to.