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Asked by: Hassiba Baranowski
science physicsHow do you find the angle of a sector in a pie chart?
- In any sector, there are 3 parts to be considered:
- The arc length is a fraction of the circumference.Thesector area is a fraction of the whole area. Thesectorangle is a fraction of 360°
- If the sector is 20% of the pie chart, theneachof these parts is 20% of the whole.
- 20%×360°
- 20100×360=72°
In this manner, how do you find the degree of a sector of a circle?
Explanation: If the central angle measures60degrees, divide the 360 total degrees inthecircle by 60. Multiply this by the measure ofthecorresponding arc to find the total circumference ofthecircle. Use the circumference to find theradius,then use the radius to find the area.
Just so, how do you find the degree of a percentage?
A circle has 360 degrees, so if you wanttoexpress an angle in terms of a percentage, just dividetheangle measurement (in degrees) by 360 and multiply by100.In reverse, divide the percentage by 100 and multiplyby360.
Formula for S=rθ The picture below illustrates the relationshipbetweenthe radius, and the central angle in radians.Theformula is S=rθ where s represents the arclength,S=rθ represents the central angle in radiansand r isthe length of the radius.