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Asked by: Zulmira Agin
science space and astronomyHow do you find the derivative of a sigmoid function?
Herein, what is a derivative of a function?
The derivative measures the steepness of the graph of a function at some particular point on the graph. Thus, the derivative is a slope. The slope of a secant line (line connecting two points on a graph) approaches the derivative when the interval between the points shrinks down to zero.
Herein, how do you find the derivative of a logistic function?
Differentiation of logistic function. The logistic function is g(x)=11+e−x, and it's derivative is g′(x)=(1−g(x))g(x). Now if the argument of my logistic function is say x+2x2+ab, with a,b being constants, and I derive with respect to x: (11+e−x+2x2+ab)′, is the derivative still (1−g(x))g(x)?
The derivative of the sigmoid is ddxσ(x)=σ(x)(1−σ(x)). Here's a detailed derivation: ddxσ(x)=ddx[11+e−x]=ddx(1+e−x)−1=−(1+e−x)−2(−e−x)=e−x(1+e−x)2=11+e−x ⋅e−x1+e−x=11+e−x ⋅(1+e−x)−11+e−x=11+e−x ⋅(1+e−x1+e−x−11+e−x)=11+e−x ⋅(1−11+e−x)=σ(x)⋅(1−σ(x))