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Asked by: Xiaodong Uribaster
science space and astronomyHow do you find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of a line segment?
Accordingly, how do you find the equation of a perpendicular bisector given two points?
A perpendicular bisector is a line thatcuts a line segment connected by two points exactlyin half by a 90 degree angle. To find the perpendicularbisector of two points, all you need to do isfind their midpoint and negative reciprocal, and plug theseanswers into the equation for a line inslope-intercept form.
Also know, how do you find the perpendicular bisector of a line segment using a compass?
Line Segment Bisector, Right Angle
- Place the compass at one end of line segment.
- Adjust the compass to slightly longer than half the linesegment length.
- Draw arcs above and below the line.
- Keeping the same compass width, draw arcs from other end ofline.
- Place ruler where the arcs cross, and draw the linesegment.
First, put the equation of the line given intoslope-intercept form by solving for y. You get y = 2x +5, so theslope is –2. Perpendicular lines haveopposite-reciprocal slopes, so the slope of the line we want tofind is 1/2. Plugging in the point given into theequation y = 1/2x + b and solving for b, we get b =6.