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Asked by: Mayo Pellegrino
science space and astronomyHow do you find the maximum value of a quadratic function?
Keeping this in view, how do you find the minimum value of a quadratic equation?
If your quadratic equation has a positive aterm,it will also have a minimum value. You can findthisminimum value by graphing the function or by using oneofthe two equations. If you have the equation intheform of y = ax^2 + bx + c, then you can find theminimumvalue using the equation min = c -b^2/4a.
Thereof, what is the maximum value of a function?
The maximum value of a function is the placewherea function reaches its highest point, or vertex, on agraph.For instance, in this image, the maximum value ofthefunction is y equals 5. Practically, finding themaximumvalue of a function can be used to determinemaximumprofit or maximum area.
A continuous function may assume amaximumat a single point or may have maxima at a number ofpoints. Aglobal maximum of a function is the largestvalue inthe entire range of the function, and a localmaximumis the largest value in some localneighborhood.