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Asked by: Shahin Arienza
healthy living childrens healthHow do you find the Millimole of a solute?
Likewise, people ask, how do you calculate millimoles?
Moles can be scaled just like grams or liters. Onemole(mol) equals 1000 millimoles (mmol). To convert molestomillimoles, multiply by 1000; to convertmillimolesto moles, divide by 1000. For the amounts we areworking with,millimoles will be easier to use, so you willuse thisconversion a lot.
Beside this, what is a Millimole?
Millimoles Per Litre (mmol/L) A mole is anamountof a substance that contains a large number (6 followed by23zeros) of molecules or atoms. A millimole isone-thousandthof a mole. A litre measures fluid volume. It is alittle biggerthan a quart.
Some medical tests report results inmillimolesper liter (mmol/L). A mole is anamount of asubstance that contains a large number (6 followed by 23zeros) ofmolecules or atoms. A millimole is one-thousandthof a mole.A liter measures fluid volume.