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Asked by: Altha Jampolsky
personal finance home financingHow do you find the missing value when given the median?
In this manner, how do you find the missing number?
You can find the mean by adding the set ofnumbersand dividing by how many numbers are given.If you are giventhe mean and asked to find a missing numberfrom the set, usea simple equation.
Just so, how do you get the median if there are two numbers?
If there is an even numberofnumbers locate the two middle numbers sothatthere is an equal number of values to theleftand to the right of these two numbers. Step 3:Ifthere is an odd number of numbers, thismiddlenumber is the median. If there is anevennumber of numbers add the two middlesanddivide by 2.
The mean (average) is found by adding all of thenumberstogether and dividing by the number of items in the set: 10+ 10 +20 + 40 + 70 / 5 = 30. The median is found by orderingtheset from lowest to highest and finding the exact middle.Themedian is just the middle number: 20.