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Asked by: Alle Szubryc
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryHow do you find the nth term in Fibonacci sequence?
Besides, what is the formula for Fibonacci sequence?
It is: an = [ Phin -(phi)n ]/Sqrt[5]. where Phi=(1+Sqrt[5])/2 is theso-called golden mean, and phi=(1-Sqrt[5])/2 is an associatedgolden number, also equal to (-1/Phi). This formulais attributed to Binet in 1843, though known by Euler beforehim.
Beside above, what is the formula for finding the nth term?
Such sequences can be expressed in terms of the nthterm of the sequence. In this case, the nth term = 2n.To find the 1st term, put n = 1 into theformula, to find the 4th term, replace the n'sby 4's: 4th term = 2 × 4 = 8.
Fib(2222) (with 465 digits) is the largest knownFibonacci number with this property. There are no otherswith N<5000, and it seems likely that Fib(2222) is actually thelargest one. However, no proof exists!"