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Asked by: Yaeko Inderdohnen
science physicsHow do you find the proportion of one standard deviation?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you find the percentage of one standard deviation?
The Empirical Rule or 68-95-99.7% Rule can give us agoodstarting point. This rule tells us that around 68% of the datawillfall within one standard deviation of the mean;around95% will fall within two standard deviationsof themean; and 99.7% will fall within threestandarddeviations of the mean.
Moreover, how do you find the standard deviation of a sample size?
First, let's review the steps for calculating thesamplestandard deviation:
- Calculate the mean (simple average of the numbers).
- For each number: subtract the mean.
- Add up all of the squared results.
- Divide this sum by one less than the number of data points (N-1).
The standard deviation is given bytheformula: s means 'standard deviation'. Now,subtractthe mean individually from each of the numbers given andsquare theresult. This is equivalent to the (x - )²step.