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Asked by: Willan Maibohm
personal finance health insuranceHow do you find the relative value units?
Keeping this in consideration, how are relative value units calculated?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adds each geographically-adjusted component RVU to arrive at a total RVU for every CPT code. The agency then multiplies the total RVU by the Medicare Conversion Factor, a national value that converts the RVU into a dollar amount.
Also Know, what is a relative value unit in healthcare?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Relative value units (RVUs) are a measure of value used in the United States Medicare reimbursement formula for physician services. RVUs are a part of the resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS).
The current Medicare conversion factor is $37.89 per RVU. In other words, Medicare would pay $37.89 for a code worth 1 RVU, $75.78 for a code worth 2 RVUs, $378.90 for a code worth 10 RVUs and so on, regardless of the type of service.