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Asked by: Tertuliano Charnolusky
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you finish polyurethane on wood?
Furthermore, how do you finish the final coat of polyurethane?
Polyurethane Finish Tip#1: Start With aThickCoating Sand lightly with 240-grit sandpaperbetweencoats, then let the last coat dry for at least24hours. This is standard practice with any woodfinishingjob, and is nothing out of theordinary.
Simply so, do you have to put polyurethane over stain?
While staining creates a rich, deep colorthathighlights natural wood grain, it does not providelong-termprotection. Without a protective top coat, wood canbedamaged easily due to contact with water, food, or sharp objects.Apolyurethane top coat protects the wood fromscratches,stains and water damage.
Issue sanding between coatsofpolyurethane. Apply a THIN coat ofMinwax®Fast-Drying Polyurethane using a high-qualitynatural orfoam brush. Let dry 4-6 hours. Then lightly sand entiresurfacewith fine sandpaper (220 grit) to ensure an even finish andproperadhesion.