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Asked by: Ouiame Ingenohl
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you fix a hole in a cane chair?
Tuck the ends of the patch under the existing cane seat to conceal the ends, using a small awl or the tip of a flat-head screwdriver. Let the glue dry. Turn the chair over. Apply more glue with a toothpick where the ends of the patch tuck under the existing cane.
Similarly, it is asked, how do you repair a hole in a cane chair?
How to repair a cane seat or cane back
- Remove the old cane and spline:
- Clean out the groove, sand the edges if necessary.
- Soak the pre-woven cane for about 30 minutes or so.
- Place the cane piece squarely on the chair opening.
Simply so, how much does it cost to repair a cane chair?
Generally, the current charge for re-caning chair seats with holes is $1.35 per hole. Count the number of holes around the entire frame and that's the $ amount that you should charge for labor alone. Add your materials cost to the labor charge.
Cane is the term for the material used to make caned seats. Cane comes from the outer skin of the rattan stalk. Rattan is the climbing vine plant in the palm family.