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Asked by: Solita Hiscocks
home and garden landscapingHow do you fix a hole in an asphalt driveway?
- Use a circular saw with an abrasive masonry blade to cut around the hole to provide a clean edge.
- Remove the asphalt and any loose soil from the damaged area with a shovel.
- For edge repairs, install a board even with the edge to hold the asphalt in place while it sets.
Simply so, can I Asphalt my own driveway?
Do it Yourself Asphalt Driveway. Making your own asphalt driveway is hard work, and not a job for one person. If you have friends who will help you, it is possible to save a lot of money by doing your own driveway, even after the cost of rental equipment is factored in.
Secondly, is it OK to pave over an existing driveway?
An overlay or resurface can be used on an asphalt driveway, parking lot, or road way. An existing asphalt surface is the best base for new asphalt. Damaged or troubled areas are repaired before the installation of asphalt.
Plug the hair dryer into the extension cord. Operate the hair dryer in a sweeping motion. Blow hot air over the patch until you cannot easily press into the material. Keep blowing as long as it takes to harden the patch, since it is mostly the air flow that cures it faster.