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Asked by: Wedad Bernhardt
home and garden home appliancesHow do you fix a Maytag dryer that is not heating?
Keeping this in view, how do I reset my Maytag dryer?
If the dryer needs to be reset simply because the cycle needs to be changed, stopped or altered, press "Power/Cancel" once to cancel the current cycle. Select the new desired cycle, followed by any modifiers and cycle options. Then press "Start/Pause" to begin the new cycle.
Furthermore, can a clogged dryer vent cause no heat?
A clogged dryer vent is one of the leading causes for a dyer not heating properly. Lint builds up over time and obstructs the airflow. This can prevent the dryer from heating, and can even lead to dangerous dryer fires. The first thing to check when your dryer won't heat is the dryer vent duct.
Dryer thermal fuse located on the blower housing. If the dryer overheats, the thermal fuse blows cutting off power to the motor or the heating system. When the fuse is bad the dryer won't start or will run but not heat.