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Asked by: Ellyn Chhavvi
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you foil the edges of a pie crust?
In respect to this, how do you keep the edges of a pie crust from burning?
Just add the foil protector at the beginning of baking when the pie is not too hot to easily fold over the edge, and remove it for the final 20 minutes of baking time. Here's how it's done. 1. Cut a large piece foil in a square that is big enough to cover the entire pie.
Subsequently, question is, how does aluminum foil Keep pie crust from burning?
Aluminum Foil as a Piecrust Protector To prevent a piecrust from burning while the filling cooks, make a foil collar to deflect heat. Take a piece of foil about 25 inches long, fold it into thirds lengthwise, and fasten the ends with a paper clip. Halfway into the baking, slip the collar over the crust (as shown).
5 Ways to Prevent Soggy Pie Crust
- Blind Bake. The most common way to ward off a soggy pie crust is by a process called blind baking.
- Brush With Egg.
- Brush With Chocolate.
- Bake on a Hot Baking Sheet.
- Keep Moisture Out.