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Asked by: Erminia Luthgen
personal finance stocks and bondsHow do you germinate an oak tree from an acorn?
Accordingly, how do you start an oak tree from an acorn?
How to grow your own oak tree
- Collect acorns. Gather some acorns from the ground.
- Add acorns to compost. Fill a small flowerpot, yogurt pot or plastic cup with peat-free compost mixed with some sand or sawdust.
- Germinate. Place the containers in a cool place out of direct sun, such as a garage, shed or unheated spare room.
- Re-pot your seedlings.
- Find some healthy acorns, without cracks or anything.
- Soak them in water for 10-24 hours.
- Stick two or three toothpicks in the top half of the acorn, pointy part facing down.
- Get a glass, a vase, or a glass bottle and fill with water to the top.
Moreover, how do you start an acorn?
Acorns of bur, pin and red oaks can be planted in fall or stratified seed can be sown in spring. When planting acorns, place the seeds one-half to one inch deep. Choose a planting site where the oak seedlings can receive good care for one to two years before they are transplanted to their permanent locations.
If left unmolested, the seedling will gradually grow and develop into a sapling tree after four to five years. The sapling then grows into a small tree that flowers and produces its own acorns. Many oak trees can live for hundreds of years, fruiting new acorns every spring and summer.