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Asked by: Mamudu Apfel
style and fashion natural and organic beautyHow do you get a sun Water Stone?
In respect to this, how do you get a dawn stone in Pokemon sun?
The only way to get a Dawn Stone is inthepost-game, in Hau'oli City. However, it is possible for yourboxedPokémon to find a Dawn Stones inthePoké Pelago. On Isle Aphun, at Rank 1, it is possibletoreceive Dawn Stones from Path for Brilliant -StoneHunting!
Also asked, where can I find a water Stone?
2: You can find a water stone in theAbandonedShip around route 108.You have to dive to get to the areawhere thewater stone.You can also find the Scanner here.Oryou canfight a wild Clamperl and take the item it's holding byusing theattack Theif.Clamperls hold an item called aBlue/Red/Yellow/GreenShard.If you
Type: Null will evolve intoSilvallywhen leveled up with high friendship/happiness. You canincreasefriendship in the following ways: Give Type:Null aSoothe Bell to hold. It will double the amount offriendship thatthe pokémon earns when you do thefollowingthings.