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Asked by: Orlanda Nixdorf
pets veterinary medicineHow do you get a wildlife rehabilitation license in California?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you become a licensed wildlife rehabilitator?
Most states require wildlife rehabilitators to have a license issued by the Game and Wildlife Department.
Get your license.
- Veterinarian training, or a period of apprenticeship working in a wildlife rehabilitation center.
- Passing a wildlife rehabilitation exam for the species you will deal with.
- Completed application.
Subsequently, question is, how much do wildlife rehabilitators get paid?
Most wildlife rehabilitators are volunteers. Paid positions do exist, however. The general annual pay range is between $20,000 and $40,000, with senior positions at large facilities having salaries of up to $75,000 per year.
To rehabilitate wildlife in Virginia, individuals and organizations must have a permit. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) is the agency that issues state wildlife rehabilitation permits; federal permits (for rehabilitating birds) are obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.