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Asked by: Rodaina Foucart
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do you get better armor in Skyrim?
- Increase your Smithing level. The Daedric armor requiresat least a level 90 Smithing.
- Unlock the Daedric Smithing Perk. Open your Skills menu insidethe game and select Smithing to view the Smithing skill tree ofyour character.
- Get the items for the recipe.
- Create the armor.
- Equip the armor.
Considering this, what is the best armor set in Skyrim?
The best Heavy Armor sets in Skyrim ranked
Armor Set | Total Defense | Upgrade with |
Daedric Armor | 108 | Ebony Ingot, Daedric Smithing |
Stalhrim Armor | 102 | Stalhrim, Ebony Smithing |
Dragonplate Armor | 102 | Dragon Bone, Dragon Armor |
Ebony Armor* | 96 | Ebony Ingot, Ebony Smithing |
Regarding this, can you upgrade armor in Skyrim?
You can upgrade weapons and armor numeroustimes. Legendary is the final tier, but once you reach thattitle, even with Smithing at 100, you can upgradefurther.
The basic concept is that light armor is lighterso its better for stealth and movement at the expense ofdefense. But heavy armor has a perk that makes it completelyweightless. Stamina regenerates 50% quicker in all lightarmor.