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Asked by: Aintzane Angelkort
home and garden home appliancesHow do you get blackcurrant juice out of clothes?
Beside this, how do you get Ribena out of clothes?
Soak in white vinegar mixed with dishwashing liquidbefore washing. Apply lemon juice to the stain and leavingin the sun to dry may work on some fabrics. Avoid using soap flakesor laundry soap directly on fruit stains which maycontain tannins - apparently it can make some stainseven harder to budge.
- Blot the fruit stain with a paper towel, blotting away as muchof the liquid as possible.
- Spray lukewarm water directly onto the stain.
- Blot the stain again using paper towels, or a clean whitecloth.
- If the juice stain is still visible, mix ¼ teaspoon ofcarpet shampoo with one liter of warm water in a bucket.
how do you get blackberry juice out of clothes?
Step 1: Scrape off any excess fruit from thefabric. Step 2: Run the fabric, inside out, under the coldwater to flush out as much of the blackberry juice aspossible. Step 3: Apply liquid laundry detergent to theblackberry stained area and let it soak in cold water for15-30 minutes.
Sponge with ammonia Make a cleaning solution by mixing 2 liters ofwarm water with 1 cup of clear ammonia. Use a sponge to rub thesolution on the Ribena stain. Let it dry properly and repeatif required. The stain will most likely be removed with 2-3 sincereattempts.